Abstract- The AI bartender cocktail maker machine using raspberry pi the development of a smart scalable system for liquid supply based on high-precision peristaltic pumps is described. The architecture of software and hardware for the proposed system is considered. This liquid supply system can be used for mixed and layered cocktail preparation in public catering establishments, such as bars, as well as for home use. Due to the flexibility and scalability of the system, it is possible to apply it in various branches of human activity, where fine dosing of liquids is required, e.g., for beverage mixing, cooking, health and medical applications. By using open architecture and software, this system can be built in a smart home environment. The result of the project is a DIY-kit, capable of mixing 3-4different liquids in specified proportions and the programmable sequence

Index Terms- Additive technology; raspberry pi; embedded systems; model-based design; beverage mixing; composite materials; liquid dosing.


Among the various devices developed for smart home and business applications, most projects are dedicated to light, heating and other electric devices control, safety and security, etc. A lesser, but also notable, part of such projects is aimed at creating smart devices for leisure and recreation. The development of the digital industry does not remain separate from the entertainment industry. There are several interesting projects aimed at imitating professional human activity. The robot artist project ArtCybe partially imitates the performances of a real artist. Unlike a conventional printer, where the image is applied by visually mixing three colors, this solution contains a system for directly mixing inks to obtain the desired shade of color . Compressorhead is a project by Berlin artist Frank Barnes and employees of Markus Kolb and Stock Plum, consisting of a “group” of robots that play real electrical and acoustic instruments. The robots are made from recycled parts and are controlled via a MIDI sequencer. Various projects also appear in the field of equipment for public or home bars: Barobot, Smartender, and the Wine Blending Bartender . As one can see, these projects occupy a relatively small and underestimated place in society. Another project for making cocktails is Bartendro is available now in two versions, with either 7 or 15 peristaltic pumps, for about $2500 or $3600, respectively [6]. The system is controlled by a minicomputer Raspberry Pi B+


The model-based design approach was chosen as a development paradigm. This project imostly done for entertainment or leisure puspose.But upon adding higher precsions we can use it in the medical industry as well. the peristaltic pumps is a motor which pumps liquid from one terminal to other. This pump is controlled by a relay to pour various drinks as per the code. We give the power supply i.e 5V to raspberry pi and relay and 12v to the 8 channel relay and run the loaded program.We have used python 3 to welcome the customers and let them have n number of drinks and finally produce the bill The number of motor steps for pumping 1 mL of liquid is around 1500 i.e around 750 seconds depending on the viscousity , density and various other factors of the liquid


We Burnt the raspberry pi os into a 16gb sd card and started to work after buying the required components..i.e raspberry pi,breadboard, peristaltic pumps ,power supply(12v),jumper wires,normal wires,Soldering machine,Hotglue gun,Carboard and funnel. We Started with the hardware setup and fixed the positons of every element and then wired the portions according according to the circuit diagram.the programming language used to code is Python 3 using GPIO,RPi, and time libraries to run the program successfully. Relay played an important role as a switch.Using the user interfacing from the code we were succcesfully able to pour out the drinks and produce the bill amount in the end.

Block diagram & Description 

This project is mostly done for entertainment or leisure puspose.But upon adding higher precsions we can use it in the medical industry as well. 
the peristaltic pumps is a motor which pumps liquid from one terminal to other. This pump is controlled by a relay to pour various drinks as per the code. 

We give the power supply i.e 5V to raspberry pi and relay and 12v to the 8 channel relay and run the loaded program.We have used python 3 to welcome the customers and let them have n number of drinks and finally produce the bill  

The number of motor steps for pumping 1 mL of liquid is around 1500 i.e around 750 seconds depending on the viscousity , density and various other factors of the liquid 


                                              IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

The project worked as planned after facing a lot of difficulites with the relay connections with the help of one power supply. It was noticed that the pump had to work a lot against gravity to pull up the liquid and pour it down,It is suggestable to keep the input on the top, inverted with the lid closed and then the model works totally fine.It is also very important to wire the pins correctly.we tend to get confused a lot because we need to pin the wires inverted and might end up wiring it wrongly and thus damamging the system.Since this is a project which involves electronics we are definite to encounter electrical shocks so beware about it.A team work would definitely boost up you up to complete the task even after facing these difficulties.doing alone might give you a urge to give up if you are learning and doing it for the first time

                                        Challenges faced 

  • Selection of title with uniqueness where there is scope to evolve as better project builders. 

  • It was difficult to prove that this model is useful for the current world 

  • Problem during  Raspberry pi circuit connection. 

  • Components availability of a few is fewer which makes it harder to build the model and circuit with ease. 

  • Faulty in the componets and the codes 

  • Debugging

  • the code was quite challenging 

  • Project time management is a big task as this project requires quite a long time to finish 

  • The circuit connections for the relay were pretty confusing and we couldn’t find an appropriate reference to get the connections right 



The automated dosing system with two peristaltic pumps was designed for high-precision dosing of liquids and preparing mixed or layered cocktails. The embedded hardware and software of the proposed system is described. A Raaspberry pi zero was used as a hardware platform for the system. The ingredients are pumped through a specially designed mixer by Kamoer peristaltic pumps. The practical tests show the great applicability of the proposed solution. It was revealed that the system is convenient and quick to use. The experimental part of the high precision of the peristaltic pumps provides a perfect taste for the mixed beverages and the originality of the tech solution plays an important role in attracting visitors.The hardware of the proposed system became a foundation for a color mixing subsystem of the first prototype of the painting robot, ArtCybe. In the future, we plan to upgrade the system with an anthropomorphic robot that can move cocktails around the bar and engage in dialogue with visitors. Further research will be also dedicated to the creation of different pump configurations and the search for alternative applications, e.g., water samplers , multi-commuted flow systems , or watercolor robotic painters


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